A data logger typically consists of sensors, a microprocessor, and internal memory for data storage. While some loggers come with weatherproof casings, smaller models like those in the Tinytag Talk 2 range may not.
The sensors within the data logger sample physical information, such as temperature or humidity levels, at regular intervals determined by the logging settings. In some cases, external probes are used to measure in hard-to-reach or extreme temperature areas.
The signals from the sensors are converted from analog to digital format by the microprocessor, and this digital data is then stored in the internal memory of the data logger. Tinytag data loggers are equipped with spacious and non-volatile internal memory, ensuring long-term storage of data even if the device is powered off.
To access the collected data, specialized computer software is used to offload it from the data logger. In the case of loggers with USB connectivity, the data remains stored on the logger until manually transferred to a computer via a USB cable.
For loggers with radio or LAN (Ethernet) connectivity, data transmission occurs automatically. Radio loggers send the data to a receiver, which then forwards it to the computer running the system. LAN loggers, on the other hand, directly connect to the network via an Ethernet cable, facilitating seamless data transfer.