What do the indicators on the Tinytag View 2 data logger mean?

Tinytag View 2 data loggers have different indicators on their displays that show the data logger’s status. This article provides a full overview of the indicators.

Tinytag View 2 data loggers show the value they are currently reading on their display. If your data logger has two channels, readings will alternate between the two properties every few seconds.

Apart from showing the readings that are currently being recorded, a View 2 data logger has a number of other indicators across the top, bottom and left-hand side of its display.

These indicators are as follows:

Top of the display: Alarms (Hi1, Hi2, Lo1 and Lo2)

A View 2 data logger can be programmed with two alarms.

This can be a combination of two alarms on one channel of the logger, or – if a dual channel logger is being used e.g. a temperature and relative humidity data logger – one alarm can be set per channel. The numbers following Hi1, Hi2 (high alarms) Lo1 and Lo2 (low alarms) refer to the two channels.

Alarms can be cleared from the logger’s display using the Tinytag Explorer software.

The left-hand side of the display: Low Battery

The indicator that lights on the left-hand side of the logger’s display are a low battery indicator. This lights next to a low battery icon that is printed on the case of the logger.

When this display indicator lights, the logger will have approximately two weeks of battery life remaining before it will stop recording. It is recommended that the battery in the logger should be replaced as soon as this indicator lights to avoid the loss of any data. Replacement batteries for our data loggers can be purchased in service kits which can be found here: Tinytag service kits.

Bottom of the display: Property being recorded

The indicators along the bottom of the display shows which channel the data logger is currently showing readings from.

If the logger has two channels, readings will alternate between the two properties every few seconds, and a marker will move between the two properties to indicate which property is being shown (mA, mV or V). If a voltage or current logger has been programmed with a custom education, a segment will light beside the * icon.

In the case of single-channel voltage and current loggers, the indicator will show which property the logger is recording

The display will also indicate if a temperature logger is showing readings in °C or °F.

Logger Messages

In addition to the above indicators, the logger also shows some text status messages, as below:

  • wait – the data logger is set for a delayed start
  • trig – the data logger is set for a trigger start
  • err9 – data logger error. If you see this message on your data logger, please contact your supplier or Gemini Technical Support for further information.